Understanding market segmentation

It’s a great skill, not just for marketeers but also for communicators.


πŸ“Šβ€‹ By being able to engage more effectively with our marketing colleagues means we can have more influence on this critical part of the business.

πŸ“Šβ€‹ It’s in our own interests to be able to talk knowledgeably about the process in collaboration with marketers, with our own team, and in management meetings.

πŸ“Šβ€‹ In this way, we can add value to the communication role, the marketing communication role, and the strategic planning role of the organization.

πŸ“Šβ€‹ Skills needed for activities such as market segmentation can also be applied to our own stakeholder engagement strategies.

If you don’t already have a good understanding of this topic, this fantastic article will have you up to speed in no time.

🌟 The bottom line: Understanding market segmentation better can help you to be a more effective communicator.

#marketing #marketingadvice #corporatecommunications

πŸ“·Image by Tumisu Pixabay

Marie Conroy

Marie Conroy is a communication professional and founder of Red Thread Communications.


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