Making the most of your in-house experts

How to maximise this media opportunity!

The media's interest in experts is huge. For almost every news story you read or see, a journalist has brought in an outside voice. If your organisation is approached to provide such a voice, it will boost its visibility and build a stronger reputation.

Here are five steps to maximising this opportunity!


1️⃣ Set guidelines

Establish with your experts the scope of topics they can comment on publicly. A good start is to identify media reports where your experts didn't comment but could have. Or stories where your experts could have been quoted.


2️⃣ Conflict check

Experts are credible because they are impartial and “outside” the story. However, it is critical to be clear on which stories may be a conflict of interest and to be clear on potentially sensitive issues.

In these cases, a conflict may preclude the expert from commenting. Your expert must know this.


3️⃣ Approval process

When reporters are looking for an expert, they’re usually up against a deadline. Before speaking to the media, an expert should check with one person, not the entire leadership team, plus legal.

The race is often won by the expert who responds the fastest. Have an approved process in place.


​4️⃣ Social Media

Experts must be active on the information platforms, establishing their expertise and building connections with reporters.

A breaking news story is a crucial opportunity to contribute. Smart comments will catch the attention of reporters, and even better, the messages may be the quote a reporter needs.

If needed, coach and train your experts on using social media.


​5️⃣ ​Build relationships

As your experts gain confidence, it's time to take things to the next level. Experts who want to become go-to sources in the media should create rapport with relevant journalists.

Invite the journalist for a coffee to provide background on the area of expertise or relevant issues. This informal briefing can result in more accurate coverage and build strong relationships.

💡​Preparing your in-house experts to be external voices is a smart move to build visibility and trust in your company. This process, when done right, can significantly enhance your organisation's reputation.

👩🏻‍💻Get in touch if you want help with your #CorporateCommunications #LetsWorkTogether!

📷​ Albert Stoynov on Unsplash

For more details, read the full article here.

Marie Conroy

Marie Conroy is a communication professional and founder of Red Thread Communications.

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