How to turn numbers into compelling stories
For many comms folks, working with data doesn’t come naturally. But numbers are one of the strengths of telling stories about organizations, especially stories about Environmental, Social and Governance.
Numbers allow you to demonstrate what you are doing. This makes a big difference as stakeholders are increasingly sceptical about organisations and their ESG claims.
But turning data into compelling narratives can be difficult. Here are seven tips to use.
1️⃣ Immerse yourself in the data.
Read through everything. Mull over the numbers. I’m old school – I print out the detail to help see patterns that may not be obvious on my monitor.
You will have an edge if you’re handy with Excel, Tableau or Microsoft Power BI. If you’re not that nerdy, find someone who is.
A conversation with the author of the data is also very helpful to understand what it means.
Time is the biggest obstacle to numbers stories. Take time to fill your head with the data.
2️⃣ Look for patterns and trends.
Keep it simple to start.
If you’re looking at data over time, look for what went up and what went down.
In a group of numbers, does one stand out more than the others? Does a particular number seem unusually high or low?
Change is often your first indication of a story.
3️⃣ What’s your story?
Sometimes the stories will jump out at you. Other times, additional background reading will help turn an interesting fact into something that’s newsy.
Ask yourself: Why should your audience care?
Remember, explaining why anybody should care may require putting a complex subject in everyday language.
4️⃣ Assemble data into graphics.
Work with a designer to put some of the important numbers into graphics.
Imagery can really help your reader to understand the numbers and their impact or relevance.
5️⃣ Find people.
Interview them. This is as important as understanding the data.
Find anecdotes that illustrate the data at work. And put a face to the data – this can lend credibility.
There’s a temptation to think that people whose business it is to track your ESG efforts, such as analysts, don’t need stories. But they do. They’re flooded with data. Grab their attention with a good story.
6️⃣ Find your voice.
Draw conclusions from the data. Make reasonable inferences. This is how you demonstrate to the audience why they should care.
Too often, numbers stories are dry recitations of the data. Don’t leave it to the audience to figure things out. Explain why the numbers are important.
7️⃣ Start writing.
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