Fundraising fundamentals:Part 3
💸 Ensuring your donors feel appreciated 💸
The final big step in successful fundraising is working to ensure your donors feel appreciated. This has many values. One big one being, that a happy donor is likely to become a lifelong ally and donor to your organisation.
To do this, you need to treat your donors as lifelong partners with your non-profit. You can do this by:
▫️ Showing your donors how your cause links to their passion, interest and needs.
▫️ Stay in touch. Schedule regular calls or visits to develop the relationship.
▫️ Maintain open and honest communication.
▫️ Use the ‘we approach,’ which avoids the use of I and their mission, but instead uses team-based words like we and our mission.
▫️ And finally, be responsible and ethical. Take proactive accountability for any mistakes made.
Building donor relationships goes beyond getting the donation. It's about building trust by creating value for the donor and your non-profit.
Use the techniques I outlined in my previous post to ensure your messages and content are aligned and exceed your donor’s expectations. These techniques will help you to add value to the partnership by sharing how your cause aligns with your donor’s values and motivation to give.
To learn more about fundraising check out this training with Fundraising Academy by clicking here.
📷 Image by Pixabay