3 tips to win over Gen Alpha

Most comms and marcom professionals remain focused on reaching Gen Z, and rightly so. But Gen Alpha is already beginning to shape what’s working and what’s not in marketing, social media and digital communications.
Born between 2010 and 2023, they usually respond better to images, video, gaming, AR than to the text-based stories and promotions of the past.
If this group is of relevance to your organisation, then here’s what you need to know to engage them.
🔹Go virtual to get to know the “avatar” generations 
Over 54% of Gen Alpha own a tablet and 25% live in a household with a VR headset, according to research.
This isn’t just relevant for Gen Alpha. Gen Z are also very comfortable expressing themselves in their virtual worlds and through their avatars.
Other research has found that two out of every five people in this group were gamers. And use this as a means to socialise.
🔹 Learn relevant gaming platforms and study brand leaders
Communicators and marketers can’t simply parachute into gaming platforms. Instead, it’s essential to first do your due diligence — as you would with any other stakeholder group.
Take the time to learn the culture, top players and influencers in any given game so you can make educated decisions.
Once you find the platform that best fits your company, you can start to observe your audiences by cultivating a community around your brand and linking what you do in the physical world to how you show up in the gaming world.
🔹Embrace AR adoption
The metaverse isn’t going away, despite a recent decline in headset sales and the sudden focus on AI.
Brands are seeing the benefits of using AR with their customers enjoying the convenience of being able to see virtual items and products in their physical world.
You don’t need to do everything at once as marketers and communicators in this space, but we should be willing to plan and prepare.
💡In brief, get to know your younger audience and create an opportunity for them to connect with your brand virtually.
📷 Thirdman at Pexels
For more on this click here.

Marie Conroy

Marie Conroy is a communication professional and founder of Red Thread Communications.


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